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On-demand availability, secure, Full or Hybrid
The Internet is the Cloud. You can now move all your data, work and applications to a data Centre sitting behind the cloud. Using a secure, role-based access control system, people in your organization can access their data, work and computing resources including apps, specialized software from anywhere, anytime.
- Cloud computing helps your organization to free your people from a fixed location and add mobility without ever compromising on security and data privacy
- Cloud can be public and private. Public cloud allows you to share storage and computing resources with other organizations. While your data will remain private to you and secure, your infrastructure and resources will be shared. A Private cloud will be dedicated to your organization where all the resources are yours alone without anyone else to share it with
- Cloud computing can help you manage your data, work and software licenses better, faster and keep it always up-to-date without downtime and be uniform across organization
- Cloud is secure and your data is private. You can either opt for a full cloud services or Hybrid services
Public Cloud Services
- Public Cloud services is like renting a house without compromising on your data security and privacy.
- You can have a dedicated server or opt for a multi-tenancy cloud service where you share same server resources with other organization
- It allows organizations to move their non-critical operations to a shared computing resource
- Maintenance and upgrades in a public cloud are managed by the public cloud operator
Private Cloud Services
- You own your own computing resources and is managed and run entirely by your IT organization
- Good for highly sensitive data and computing requirements which demand specialized configurations
- Gives you absolute control but requires you to maintain a highly agile Cloud team
Hybrid Cloud Services
- A mix of public and private cloud services allowing for flexibility in managing resources and optimizing costs
- On-premise servers can also be deployed in case of highly sensitive data and compute needs with private and public cloud services
- Often the first step taken by most large organizations to ensure continuity and assurance of data safety and availability of computing resources